Wednesday 4 November 2009

Landrock Survival Training Courses

Sunday 8th November - Preparation of the Area - 1300-1800hrs

Saturday 5th Dec - 2-Day Course - 0800-1600hrs - FULL

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Welcome to Lords Wood

Hello and Welcome to Lords Wood, Farringdon (near Alton) in the South of England.

This 55-acre mixed coniferous/deciduous woodland is home to a variety of creatures, including Roe Deer, Badgers, Rabbits and Grey Squirrels, not to mention the wide and diversely abundant bird life.

Buried deep in the Hampshire countryside, this wonderful location transports you away from the speed of modern city life and brings you back to the way the world should be....tranquil, peaceful and slow.

Lords Wood is home to two characters, Andy and John, who can help you enhance your experience of the natural surrounds through their own companies, NaturesCraft and Landrock Training. For the bushcrafters amongst you, Andy and Naturescraft can teach you the skills of our not-too-distant ancestors, allowing to dispense with modern amenities and learn how to live amongst your natural environment. John and his more 'survival'-based methods will give you the skills necessary to prepare for and survive emergencies and hazardous situations.

So welcome to Lords Wood, we look forward to seeing you.

Lords Wood has been provided with the kind permission of